paste this into the source of sordies jsplay! include("bitmap"); include("output"); function HelloWorld() { var msg = "PEEK-A-BOO!"; var msg2 = "I SEE YOU! ;)"; for (var i=0; i<5; i++) { msg += "!" } write("<h1>" + msg + "</h1>"); write("<h1>" + msg2 + "</h1>"); } function TriangleDemo() { write("Creating the crazy person who likes you's face"); var bmp = new bitmap(30,30); bmp.clear("#CCCCCC"); var i = 0; var x; var y; write("Made by Austinb"); while (i < (Math.PI * 2)) { x = (bmp.width / 2) + (Math.sin(i) * (bmp.width * 0.3)); y = (bmp.height / 2) + (Math.cos(i) * (bmp.height * 0.3)); bmp.setPixel(x, y, "blue"); bmp.setPixel(12, 11, "red"); bmp.setPixel(13, 11, "red"); bmp.setPixel(12, 12, "red"); bmp.setPixel(13, 12, "red"); bmp.setPixel(17, 11, "red"); bmp.setPixel(18, 11, "red"); bmp.setPixel(17, 12, "red"); bmp.setPixel(18, 12, "red"); bmp.setPixel(14, 18, "red"); bmp.setPixel(13, 18, "red"); bmp.setPixel(15, 18, "red"); bmp.setPixel(16, 18, "red"); bmp.setPixel(17, 18, "red"); bmp.setPixel(18, 17, "red"); bmp.setPixel(19, 16, "red"); bmp.setPixel(12, 17, "red"); bmp.setPixel(11, 16, "red"); i += 0.01; } write("Credits : Austinb (for the creepy thing :P)"); write("Credits : Sordie (for the playground :P)"); } HelloWorld(); TriangleDemo();