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Cyanide quest(fixed)

    questname     "Easy Bow"
    version        1.0

State Begin
    desc        "Talk To Batamso"
    action    AddNpcChat( 2 , "Want a bow?... Well good because I want some food.." );
    action    AddNpcText( 2 , "Go get me 3 rats tails." );

    rule         TalkedToNpc(2) goto GetRatTails

State GetRatTails
    desc    "Find 3 rats tails"
    rule    GotItems(249,3) goto Bat3
State Bat3
    desc     "Talk to Bat"
    action    AddNpcText(2 , "Did you get 3 rat tails?");
    rule TalkedToNpc(2) goto Rewards
State Rewards
    desc        "Talk to Bat"

    action    AddNpcText(2 , "Take bow and leave.");

    rule        TalkedToNpc(2) goto End
State End
    action    GiveExp(10);
    action    GiveItem(297,1);
    action    Reset( );
